Dear Fellow Parishioners, Our communal Lenten journey with the Church Universal is focused on the three traditional pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving (acts of charity). We try to provide a variety of ways for us to support each other on this faith journey. Of course, fasting is a personal commitment each individual makes regarding their own situation. Many stive to simply refrain from eating between meals during the Lenten Season, or have simple meals, some refrain from eating meat during Lent as their attempt to connect with Jesus and His desert experience. The ages for fasting are 17-59 years. Abstinence (refraining from meat) is asked of all on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. Here at Sacred Heart, we provide several opportunities to deepen our prayer experience. There are six prayer stations on the windowsills of the church, one for each week of Lent. On the Mondays of Lent there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 6:30-8 P.M. Stop by and spend some quiet time with the Lord. Tuesdays at 11:30AM, join in communal Stations of the cross. Daily Mass is Mon.-Thursday at 9:00 A.M. Men of Hope gather by Zoom on Saturday 7:30 A.M. Women of Faith gather on Sunday following the 9:30 Mass. Each of the families in Faith Formation were given “Lent in a Bag” to assist with family Lenten experiences. At your convenience you can take advantage of the “Hallow” app of your phone which is free during Lent. Free copies of The Word Among us for Lent are at the doors of the Church. The Nails you have received are a way to connect with our Lenten Homily Series “Nailed.” Holy Week is a wonderful way for us to deepen our understanding of the death and resurrection of the Lord. The Seder Supper on Saturday April 1st is a wonderful way to enter into solemnity of Holy Week. The Church is open from 7:30-4:30 every day to come in and spend some quiet time with the Lord. Confessions are offered every Saturday from 3:00-3:45, or by appointment. The communal Penance Service with Tenebrae will be Tuesday April 4th at 7:30 P.M. To assist with the third pillar of Lent-almsgiving or acts of charity you are asked to support Michael Byrne in his Eagle Project to assist the over 9,000 youth in foster care here in Massachusetts through Rise Above Foundation. The Lenten Boxes are for donations to our St. Vincent de Paul Society to assist with the many needs that come our way, including assisting with rent for the Food Pantry, the Trinity supper meals and individuals seeking assistance. Also during Lent we are asking each household to assist the many ministries of our Diocese through The Annual Partners in Charity appeal. May we enter fully into the spirit of Lent encouraging prayer, fasting and acts of charity! Fr. Bill