Dear Fellow Parishioners, With Lent, Holy Week and Easter behind us so early there is a tendency for me to sit back and relax. But then I quickly realized that we have First Eucharist celebrations and Confirmation happening in May. We are a sacramental people and celebrating these milestones in the lives of our parish is more reason to celebrate the grace poured forth through sacramental signs. In the meantime, reality sets in and the work of caring for our campus along with our community is also a pressing matter. As any homeowner knows, there is always work to be done around the house. With three buildings there are three times as many challenges in keeping things up and running. Here are just some of the challenges we are working on with the expertise of parishioners who constantly work behind the scenes to make sure our campus is safe and comfortable. Since the church was built there have always been problems with leaks where the pitched roofs of the church meet the flat roofs over the sacristy and the day chapel. Finally, the situation has been solved and we are able to close in the ceilings that we needed to open to find where the problems existed. We know that the parking lot needs a great deal of work. We are waiting for all the permits for the canopy solar panels to be installed, at which time our parking lot will be repaired and lined. We have been working with Nexgrid on this project for 4 years now. The average time for these projects is 7 years, so we are heading toward the finish line! I want to thank all those who have contributed toward the new heating system. We will be replacing our air conditioners that are well beyond the 10-year warranty (more than 25 years old, three which are leaking) with heat pumps which will take care of heating and cooling and connect everything to our boilers. We have two bids for the project and are waiting for a third. With approval from the Diocesan Building Committee, we hope to start work this summer. Leaks in the parish house caused by obsolete plumbing (yes, the house is that old) have been fixed. Now we need to replace the flooring in two bathrooms and install two new toilets. These projects are in the works. When these projects are complete, we will work on replacing the glass connector which we know needs to be replaced. The list goes on. We continue to move forward.I thank all who generously contribute to the operation of our campus. As churches and parishes around us close, I pray we will continue to support the work of our hands. Fr. Bill