Hopefully you have noticed that the Partners in Charity banners are placed at the front and rear entrances of the church as well as the bulletin insert for the annual campaign that supports all the ministries and charities we perform as Catholics in our Diocese. This weekend we will watch the campaign video reminding us all of the work that is accomplished when each of our parishes join as Partners in Charity and how we make a difference in Worcester County by doing so.
Next weekend, February 22nd and 23rd we will hold our annual in-pew solicitation. I wish to thank many of you who have already contributed toward our goal after receiving a letter from me and/or Bishop McManus. We are well on our way toward meeting our responsibility as members of the Diocese of Worcester.
Our parish along with nine other parishes are on an accelerated Partner’s schedule as we prepare to participate in Legacy of Hope, an appeal for special generosity to assist our Diocese and also our parish toward an endowed future. As I have shared with you previously, I have been working with Tina Anderson our Campaign Director, in the preparation phase assembling our team for Legacy of Hope. I am pleased with the many people that accepting roles and also jumping in to assist in this effort. This campaign is not just about money. It is about our love of the Church and our stewardship of it. It is a reminder that we are on this journey together, we are not congregational, looking after just our own parish, we are Catholic, universal!
I am asking everyone to do what they can, remembering the priority order, our own offertory so that we stay vibrant, Partners in Charity so that our Diocese is able to function and operate and then Legacy of Hope as we prepare for the future stewardship of our parish and Diocese. Let’s work together to strengthen our parish and Diocese.