Looking out at the Catholic Community assembled at each Mass on the weekend, I am reminded of the Parable of the Lost sheep. It appears in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 18:12–14) and Luke (Luke 15:3–7). It is about a shepherd who leaves his flock of ninety-nine sheep to find the one which is lost. As I look out I am noticing and recalling the names of people who are no longer sitting among us; as their children get older they absent themselves from the pews. How do I (we) invite them back? I have sent e-mails to several letting them know they are missed, but few even acknowledge my e-mail. Now I think it is time to share a letter that Joe Fertitta wrote to his family as he was ready to pass on to eternity. This is shared with his family’s permission.
“Dear Family,
I am still in the old school, i.e., handwriting a letter instead of e-mail. It all seems more personal, and my message is very personal. The subject is Religion. I feel very responsible for losing track of the religious activity of my whole family. So, pay attention now! This is Daddy speaking.
Today’s world has changed. It seems that religious activity has lost its priority. Naturally, as a father and a Roman Catholic, it would be my desire to have all my children, grand and great-grandchildren be the same as my religion…or at the very least, of some Christian practice and be Baptized. I hope that would also include a weekly service, a weekly communion (Eucharist), and religious education for the children.
Now: to All of you…I personally point out that one of your basic responsibilities as a parent is to promote religion into your family.
What about me? Due to my health condition, I have relied on prayers and the saints to help get through the last several years…St. Anthony, St. Pio and St. Jude. Recently, I received the enclosed booklet and I liked it. Please read it, keep it…show it to your family.
St. Anthony is a miracle saint, and when you have a serious problem, pray and ask for his help. Although he is well noted as the finder of lost items (keys etc.) he does much more. Please give him a chance to intercede with God for help. Tell him I sent you. We are old buddies. I call him Tony! The booklet has many prayers and a short history of his life. Please do not scan it and destroy it.
I realize, as a parent, you have many important duties related to teaching, protecting and helping all your wonderful children safely through the many obstacles of life. Please note that I am 91 right now and feel well-just tired, but full of love for all our great family. Please understand, all, as a father, that I have said. Read the letter to your children. Discuss it with them. Bring God into their life. It’s the most important gift you can give them.
All my love and prayers, Daddy”
I could not say how I feel any better than Joe, who is now celebrating with Tony at the banquet in heaven!