I want to keep everyone on the same page as far as our Lenten Journey is concerned. This is a communal event. No one is in isolation as we enter into the parish theme entitled “Nailed.” I am asking everyone to carry a nail with them throughout this Lenten season to remind us that the Lenten season is about repairing things that are broken and strengthening things that are weak. Of course, this is in relation to our spiritual selves, and our spiritual lives. In our prayers each week we pray for the things in our lives that may be broken or weak: a broken heart, broken spirit, broken relationships, broken promises, weak faith, weak relationship with our community, weak relationship with God. These are just some examples. Let the Holy Spirit take you to the place where brokenness and repair in our lives needs to take place. During these 40 days make the effort to write down where the Spirit is taking you, and the progress you are making, or the challenge that exists in making a repair or strengthening a weakness. Just being able to identify places where you need to grow is an accomplishment. Be gentle with yourself, remember we are on the journey together, and God is working in and through us if we are mindful of God’s presence. On Good Friday when we gather I am asking you to take your slip of paper and nail it to the cross we will use for adoration that evening. Then all the slips will be offered up to God in the Easter Vigil Fire Holy Saturday evening. Often when we have accomplished something in life you have heard the phrase, “I nailed it!” Let’s encourage each other on the journey to allow ourselves and God to make the necessary repairs to that which is broken and weak in our spiritual selves. Fr. Bill