Dear Fellow Parishioners, It’s time to light the pink candle that calls us to Rejoice that the celebration of Advent is more than half over and we are much nearer to rejoice in the Season of Christmas. Friendship is very important and as in the Season of Lent, the Season of Advent is a reminder to all of us to prepare our hearts for a new and wonderful relationship with Christ who brings peace to people of goodwill. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (for older folks we know this as confession or penance) is an opportunity to deepen our friendship in four ways. Reconciliation is to be made friends again with God, others, ourselves, and with all of God’s creation. We know that the two greatest commandments are to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to Love your neighbor as yourself. If we are not friends with ourselves our neighbor is in deep trouble. And, if we cannot love our neighbor whom we do see, how can we ever say we love God whom we do not see. (First John 4:20–21). So, I am asking you to give yourself the greatest gift we can ever receive, the gift of renewed friendship with God, others, yourself, and creation. In a peaceful and prayerful setting, we gather in a darkened church to prepare our hearts to receive the gift of forgiveness through our Advent Community Penance Service. We will gather at 7:00 P.M. on Monday evening December 18th. Through prayer, reflection, an examination of conscience, and meditative music all are given an opportunity hear the words of absolution and forgiveness through the ministry of this sacrament of healing. If it has been a long time since you have been to confession, you are invited to come Monday (December 18th) at 7PM and be welcomed back to a new and wonderful friendship with God, self, others and all that God has created! See you then! Fr. Bill