Life-changing experiences are often few and far between. Sometimes they occur and we don’t even notice them until we stop long enough to let the events sink in and realize that God has brought us to a new point in life. Our understanding of God’s presence is enhanced. Patience as clay in the potter’s hands as we are molded and shaped more and more into the image of Jesus the Son is the life-changing experience awakened during this Lenten season.
My fasting from technology this Lenten Season has given me ample opportunity to listen attentively to God speak as I read Perfectly Yourself and meet with a small faith sharing group. Listening to the readings for daily Mass has expanded my understanding of the confusing events of our world. I can’t make sense of everything, but God helps make sense as it all unfolds and shows me how to respond and accept his peace in these troubling times.
In my Lenten time of reflection I realize that for 54 years of my 65 years of life I have always entered fully into the liturgical events of Holy Week. I have even had the opportunity to celebrate seven Holy Weeks (Called “Great Week”) in Haiti. What a powerful experience each and everyday! During Holy Week I have always had a life-changing experience. I know not when it will happen, but I patiently listen attentively to the readings, the powerful ritual, and the movement of those who join in worship. God touches me in a powerful way, when I least expect it. I look forward to Holy week, and hope you will take an ordinary week and make it Holy, and Great!
How are you planning on making March 25th to March 31st more than simply an ordinary week and making it a “Holy Week?’ For those who have attended Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday celebrations in the past, I am inviting and encouraging you to simply add one other Holy Week experience to make the week a bit more special.
· Have you ever attended the Seder Supper? What a wonderful way to deepen our understanding of the Last Supper and the Mass we celebrate as Catholics.
· Have you ever witnessed the Chrism Mass, at the Cathedral? Come and join people from throughout the diocese as he oils for the sacraments in each parish are blessed for the year ahead.
· When’s the last time you went to Confession? Come and receive the mercy and forgiving power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Tenebrae.
· Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil are opportunities to enter fully into the Passion, Death, and Resurrection through ritual and prayer.
What can you participate in during March 25th-31st to make it a Holy Week for you? Check for the full schedule in this week’s bulletin.