Dear Fellow Companions on the Journey!
I am sure you have seen the posters outside the church with St. Teresa of Kolkata, the patron saint of this year’s Annual Partner in Charity Appeal. How important it is for us to work together as parishes in the Diocese of Worcester to meet the Ministry, Education, and pastoral needs of the many people of Worcester County. As you can imagine the many needs increase each year with requests for immigration assistance, housing, food, and much more.
We have been able to make our goal each year and expand our donor base so that more share the responsibility of meeting our parish goal. The Diocesan goal is $5 million and our portion of that goal is the same as last year; $43,200.00. Last year through your wonderful generosity we could exceed our goal by $8,459.00. Isn’t it wonderful when we can pool our resources and be more generous that we are asked to be.
This weekend as we gather for the Third Sunday of Lent we will hear a direct plea from Bishop McManus to join as Partners in Charity. We will also hear from our parish chair couple Matt and Meredith Daelhousen encouraging us all to join in meeting our obligation to assist in the appeal.
Besides prayer and fasting, the third pillar of Lent is Acts of Charity. It is appropriate that we use this Annual Appeal to share in meeting the many needs of those who are part of our wider faith community. Next weekend we will invite all to participate in the in-pew solicitation for “Partners”. I know that many of you have already generously contributed and thank you ahead of time for your generosity.
I ask us all to join in prayer to St. Teresa of Kolkata for the success of our appeal here at Sacred Heart parish, and join me in supporting Partners in Charity.
Fr. Bill