Dear Fellow Parishioners, On Monday we finished our Pilot journey through Alpha. Thirteen of us made the journey exploring the basics of our Catholic/Christian faith and grew in relationship with Jesus Christ and our relationship with one another. The ability to identify our faith story and grow beyond our worship experience was of benefit to each of us. We learned that the heart of the Church is the importance of community, family, home, and the love we receive from Christ and share with each other. Before church buildings were built to gather as community, people gathered in each other’s homes and celebrated together by reading the Word of God and celebrating the Eucharist together. The community grew so rapidly that they built churches so that many could gather together as disciples of Jesus Christ. During our reflection time it was suggested that we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit regarding the future of Alpha here in our parish. I am asking you to join us in that prayer throughout the summer months so that we can collectively as a parish share our listening experiences. Are you among those people looking for a safe space for conversations about faith where you can have honest and open conversations about life’s biggest questions? Alpha may be for you. Together we pray…. Lord Jesus, you call us to follow you as disciples. Help us to respond with our whole hearts in all our words and actions, without counting the cost. Lord Jesus, you invite us to proclaim your gospel of hope and salvation here at home and to all nations and peoples. Teach us to be faithful evangelists in word and in action. May your Holy Spirit instruct us and sustain us in becoming the community where we all belong, feel safe, are comfortable and eager to be faithful members of this community of faith. May we look forward in hope to the day when God’s reign is established once and for all.