As we gather this weekend for the Fourth Sunday in Lent we are more than halfway through our journey. It is wonderful to hear such positive feedback from the many folks that joined in the small Lenten groups. I like the format very much. It is creative and the resources for the groups are tremendous using signs and symbols that connect with each of the gospel stories. I find that each of the prayer services help us to ritualize our journey of faith. On the cover of “Up from the Waters” it is clear that this reflecting and sharing the living gospel is definitely for Lent Year A. I am hoping that there may be a Year B and Year C to follow; since the materials are so good.
I hope you have taken the time to visit the as Matt and Meredith Daelhousen encouraged us to do before we gather this weekend for in-pew solicitation for our goal of $43,200.00. If everyone of us does our part, we should have no problem in assisting the many needs of the ministries of our diocese. Let’s all pitch in and do our part.
In this final stretch of Lent, I hope you have taken the time to reflect on the question “Where do you thirst?” Allow yourself the time to sit with Jesus where you thirst and be pleasantly surprise that he overlooks the baggage that we and others pile on us. Instead, drink freely of the “living water” that only Jesus can provide. This Fourth Sunday of Lent we are invited to examine “Where are you blind?” Allow yourself the time to go deeper in your relationship with the Lord to uncover those blindspots.
Fr. Bill