Dear Fellow Parishioners, I mentioned in my homily that I keep a spiritual journal daily to keep track of my growth in my relationship with God. Right now, I am writing Volume 210 and reading Volume 47 written in 1990. As I read past reflections, I realize how much I have grown in understanding the Word of God and how much deeper my relationship and understanding of God’s presence and guidance in my life has developed. At times I wish I knew back then what I know now. The important lesson I am learning is that I have been growing in my faith and what a wonderful gift that is. I bring this to your attention as we re-enter Ordinary Time. We are reading the Gospel of Matthew. You may remember that I asked you to read one chapter a day during Advent and you will have read all twenty-eight chapters before Christmas. Now we take a deeper look at significant portions of his Gospel and apply them to our spiritual growth and development. In the past, I have encouraged each of us to have a “Mass Journal” that you bring with you every time you attend Mass so that you can record right at Mass the most inspirational moment for you! For all of us, God speaks a message, we just need to have ears to listen for it. It may be in the readings, the homily, the songs, prayers, or even the announcements and the blessing. It may be in someone who shares with us on our way out of Mass. If we are not looking to be inspired, or listening to God speak, we miss the opportunity for spiritual growth and divine guidance. It is never too late to begin a spiritual journal! I started in high school, when a deeply spiritual CCD teacher talked about it. It started off as a diary of some sort and grew throughout all the years into a constant conversation with God, recording my moments closest to Christ each and every day. As I review past editions, I rejoice in the growth that has taken place in me. That growth helps me to be a better disciple and hopefully a better priest and pastor. So, get a simple 3’x 5” notebook and begin the journey of a lifetime. Relax with God and be inspired by the Word of God in the ways that God speaks to your heart. What is your moment closest to Christ right now? Write it down!