How are you doing with the Advent Conspiracy? I am finding the prayer card helpful. On Sunday after the Masses I drop the collection into the night deposit at the bank and there was a person in front of the drive through that was out of their car and trying to work the ATM with little success. So, guess what, I had to “wait!” As I was there I decided, instead of getting anxious at waiting, I took out the prayer card and as soon as I was done praying, the lady got back into her car with her cash and was happily on her way. I realized the opportunity the card offered me to realize “Emmanuel-God is with us!”
This week we are focusing on “Spending less!” Christmas has become a season of excess, “Eat, drink and be merry.” The challenge to know when “enough is enough” is something we all need to think about and measure. How often I hear it said, “Christmas is for children!’; which has come to mean, “spend, spend, spend on all sorts of gifts for children”. In my heart I think the real meaning of Christmas has gotten lost. What we celebrate at Christmas is the greatest gift of all, the gift of Christ to all the world.
I am so pleased when I see parents and grandparents bringing their children to the stable in front of the church and explaining the principle participants in the Christmas story. I remember one grandmother say, “See the shepherd over there, they were the first to come and see Jesus, he came for people just like us. What a gift!” Yes, what a gift, “Peace on earth to people of good will!” We must ask the questions, “What story are we telling our children at Christmas by what we buy, give, how much we spend?” What story do we really want to tell?”
So, how do we spend less? Take the time to focus not on a gift, or the gift, but the person you want to honor with your presence. Focus on a gift that comes from your heart to their heart, not from your wallet to their hands. The birth of Jesus is a gift from the heart of a loving Father to the heart of each and every person who wants to walk and live in the truth and the peace of Christ. That is a gift that takes a whole lifetime to unpack.
We may not be able to change our giving habits this Advent but give more thought to the story you wish to tell about yourself, to the people around you whom you love. Let your reflection bring you more in line with the true meaning of this Advent Season.