It is difficult to believe but four years ago I began inviting people to travel to Germany in 2020 featuring the Passion Play of Oberammergau. At that time 17 people signed up for the trip and within months of stating our desire to travel and making our deposits everything shut down. The trip was postponed due to a pandemic. The ironic fact is that the Passion Play was created in thanksgiving for surviving the Black Death in 1633. Their solemn oath to God: if God spared them from further deaths, every ten years they would perform the pious “Play of the Suffering and Death of our Lord.” This tradition has happened every ten years since that promise was made.
Covid-19 postponed the promise until 2022; a good move on the part of the town’s people as we could not possibly travel in 2021. Our group of 17 has dwindled to 11 due to many unforeseen circumstances. We are all ready to go and will be in Germany by the time you read this. Some on hearing of the trip since then have wished to join us. The good news is that the play will again be brought to life in 2030! So, save your pennies!
Along with the passion play we will be traveling to Salzburg, Vienna, Munich, Augsburg, Rothenburg and seven of our group are extending our stay to spend three days in Berlin. Travel since the pandemic is a real challenge. I have traveled all over the world and enjoyed every experience. This is the first time I am a bit antsy about traveling. We will be in large crowds and on airplanes with people from all over the world. Before returning to the US, we have to test negative for covid. I am hoping the health of everyone in our group holds out and we can complete the trip without incident.
I will miss celebrating Memorial Day, the Baccalaureate, Graduations and Pentecost with you, but at each of these moments I will raise you up in prayer!
My taking leave of you places extra burden on Pam, Tina, and Deacon Tom as they welcome the priests that will make sure that we continue to worship as the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart in my absence. Please help in any way that you can. Funerals can’t be scheduled in advance so please be patient if and when they occur. A sincere thanks to Fr Greg Hoppough, Fr. Carl Chudy and Msgr. John Doran for their willingness to lead us in worship in my absence. See you in June (Hopefully!)