We are in full swing with events happening here at Sacred Heart. A reminder that this weekend October 14 and 15 is “Fill-a-Ford,” we are collecting snack items, quick breakfast foods and meals for those students in Hopedale who are in need. The truck in front church will be there both days to collect food items. Every bit helps those in need.
Bishop McManus has asked all parishes in our Diocese to hold a special collection for aid to those who were impacted by Hurricane Florence. So this weekend plan on assisting our brothers and sisters in the Carolinas by bringing money for the collection this weekend October 14 and 15. If you are binging a check make it to Sacred Heart and we will submit one check in our name.
Next weekend October 20-21 is not only our Stewardship Commitment Sunday when we are asked to pledge our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure to Sacred Heart. It is also World Mission Sunday. Many of you know that we support a sister parish, St. Gerard’s in Pont Salmon in Haiti. We are pleased to welcome their new pastor, Fr. Claude Renel Elysèe who will be visiting us on Word Mission Sunday, concelebrating all the Masses. On Saturday October 20th at 10:00 A.M. all twinning parishes are invited to St. Paul’s Cathedral in Worcester for the signing of covenants with the visiting pastors of each of the twinning programs with our Diocese and the Diocese of Les Cayes, Haiti.
Do you know anyone who has just received their first Driver’s License in the last few months? On Sunday November 4th we are inviting them and their families to come to the 8:30 Mass for a blessing of their first license, the family insurance policy, the family, or their car. You are asked to park on the cement pad (formally called the skirt) in front of the church so that after Mass we will come out to bless the cars. This blessing will be offered the first Sunday of every odd numbered month!
Lots of events are happening here at Sacred Heart, so mark your calendar and help us help those in need and celebrate the many events happening in our Catholic Community here at Sacred Heart.