Bishop McManus has invited all the priests of our Diocese to attend one of three meetings with him and Dr. Katie Kelly to speak and share how we are doing regarding the recent Grand Jury report on clergy sexual abuse in the dioceses of Pennsylvania. Twenty-six of us gathered at St. Mary’s in Uxbridge this past Tuesday afternoon. I was so happy that we had this opportunity to listen to the bishop’s feelings and reactions about the present sexual abuse crisis in the church and to share and listen to my brother priests.
Bishop McManus shared how tired and emotionally drained he is, along with being angry and frustrated. If anyone had told him this was what the church and priesthood would look like when he was ordained forty years ago, he would never have believed it. There are no words to offer to any of the abuse victims who have spoken to him. Apologies, word of comfort and seeking forgiveness are useless; and sound defensive. Keeping his head above water is done through faith in the promise that we will be a holier church and priesthood as the truth of all that has happened is brought to light.
Dr. Katie Kelly led us in our own discussions and helped us to realize that change and transformation only comes through crisis.
Assembled were priests of all ages and it was helpful to me to hear the feelings and reactions of those present and to share my own. I feel betrayed by predators who have abused power, and angered by the cover-up that occurred by bishops who tried to “protect the church” which simply made matters worse. It is difficult to report a brother priest; one that you grew up with. There are repercussions that come in making the report. Hopefully that will no longer be the case.
As I shared with you earlier, we are doing all we can here in our parish to make sure that all our children, and all adults are in a safe environment. Again, I am always available to sit with individuals who would like to talk more regarding this situation. If you would like to gather as a group and share more, let me know and I can make arrangements to do so. I thank the people who have been so affirming to me and let me know, “Father, we’ve got your back; you are not in this alone. We are in this together.” Again I remind us all, “When things fall apart, we come together!”