Dear Fellow Parishioners, As you have read in the Catholic Free Press there are many clergy changes and several parish consolidations right here in the Blackstone Valley. Many have talked with me about how sad they are that parishes that they were baptized in, or received other sacraments are shutting their doors. Several have thought that it is because of the lack of clergy that this is happening. Lots of factors are involved in restructuring and only one of the pieces deals with the number of priests available for assignments.
Three important factors are parishioner participation in worship, ministry, and stewardship of their parish. Covid-19 has only accelerated what was already happening in our local parishes and other congregations, Temples and Mosques here in New England and the United States. Just as the number of young men studying for priesthood is decreasing so the number of families practicing their faith. Many communities, as our own are aging and participation in parish ministries and support of parish campuses/properties also decreases.
Being a vibrant parish, means that we are gathering together as a people of faith, joining in ministry and contributing to the upkeep of the properties that have been handed on to us from past generations. For this reason, I constantly remind us of how important it is that we share our time, talent and treasure as a community of faith. Stewardship requires that all of us take stock and want to journey together as the people of God here in Hopedale.
Our next Stewardship renewal is scheduled for October. We have many ministries that need to be filled, but you need not wait until October to get involved. As I look outside my office window, I see the leaves and weeding that needs to take place around the air-conditioners; the need for sacristans who will keep the altar area clean stocked; altar servers, ushers, A/V ministers and media assistance, major assistance with Faith Formation and more. If you are interested in getting further involved, speak to Pam, Tina or me and we will get you started. Personally, I am doing all I can to shepherd us as a community but we all need to work together to keep our parish vibrant.
Some have said that the debacle over Black Lives Matter and Pride flags doesn’t help to bring people back to worship and faith. I totally agree; however, you know that is not at all the kind of community we are as The Catholic Community of Sacred Heart. Let people know who we are and invite them to join us in the vineyard of the Lord!