Dear Fellow Parishioners, I am calling all hands-on deck this weekend! This is commitment weekend for our Annual Stewardship Renewal, and we are trying to fit all the pieces of our Catholic Community puzzle together so that we can navigate this pandemic and keep our doors open! Not only is it our commitment weekend, we are also holding our one major fund raiser, a Yard Sale from 8:00 to Noon this Saturday October 24th. This yard sale is replacing the harvest fest, the Christmas Fair, Italian Night (Mardi Gras); since we cannot gather in our hall to serve meals and enjoy each other’s company.
How can you help? Many of you will read this when it comes out in the blast on Wednesday at noon. So…if you have anything to donate to the yard sale, get it together and bring it down to the glass entryway between the church and the hall before Thursday evening. It needs to be sorted and priced before Saturday when we open. We need people to help set up everything outside at 7:00 A.M. so we can be ready to open. Then we need you to come down and support Fill-A-Ford and make purchases at the yard sale. Also, tell your neighbors and friends about the event, and PRAY that the weather holds out and we have a nice morning for this to happen. See, in one event we all have a chance to GIVE, PRAY and SERVE! Don’t miss out!
Many have already submitted their Commitment Cards, but I am asking those who have yet to do so to prayerfully consider your commitment to Sacred Heart. I am especially appealing to those who are reluctant to make a commitment in the past, we need all hands-on deck to journey this year of mask wearing and social distancing. Together we can make it through these challenging times. Together we can make sure that our Catholic GPS heads us all in the direction God has in mind and in store for us!